Monday, 30 April 2012


Hello my freaky friends.
I haven't posted in a while, I know, eat me. I've been super-duper busy recently with my musical theatre production of 'Beauty and the Beast'. I've been cast as 'Madame D'Arque' -the creepy asylum owner who takes Belle's father away. It's funny, I always seem to be cast as an uptight old woman.The same thing happened in a student-directed festival at my school (it was called the Sears festival). I was cast as an ass of a catholic woman. I was creepy in that too.
Here's a picture of my animated self.
                (I forgot to mention, Mme. D'Arque is a man in the movie. Well, M. D'Arque will just need to consider a sex change.)

Yall'z should come and see my show, it happens on May 31st - June 2nd at 7:00pm, plus a matineƩ at 2:00pm on June 2nd. That is, if your not in it, or living in anouther country.....

I'm just realizing, so, so, much has happened since I last posted. I played a gig at the spill with my Band; 'The Lonely Parade' which happened with my mates Anwyn and Char, and my brother's band 'Pepto Bismarck' They cover Nirvana songs...They posted their setlist on youtube (it's in three parts). We haven't gotten around to posting ours yet.

My time right now though roughly consists of rowing (5:45 EVERY MORNING), falling asleep during movies (probably because I'm so tired from the former^, I haven't gotten through a movie in about two weeks.), And watching Heartland. Let me explain before you lose respect for me altogether. 

Heartland is THE best cheeseball show ever. It requires very few neurons to comprehend. The scenery is GEORGEOUS, it makes me feel happy, and it's Canadian, from CBC. (I don't have cable. Therefore-Slim pickings.)
My friends make fun of me.


That's all for now, I've gotta munch some dinner.

P.S. I'm planning to post tomorrow about my suitcase adventures, stay tuned!!

Here's a song I just discovered.
Gives me shivers. Every time.

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