Thursday, 16 February 2012

Obsessions- UPDATE

Okay, so, this was a while ago, but I thought I'd let all of my lovely readers know that the APPLE PIE YOGURT HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! MY LIFE IS INCOMPLETE.

I mentioned it HERE before, in case you have no idea whatsoever what the hell I'm talking about with this apple pie yogurt. Well, let me repeat, I LOVED THAT APPLE PIE YOGURT WITH MY WHOLE LIFE. IT WAS BETTER THAN ICE CREAM.

Anyway, enough of my ranting, and wheezing.

I'll tell you about rowing. I don't think I've mentioned my commitment to the most amazing sport ever. Yes, rowing and I go way back, we shared the water back in grade nine, I rowed his boats, and built HUGE muscles while doing so.  (I realize now that personifying 'rowing' was not such a good idea. This is because I possess a mind that is most often in the gutter, and I am getting some quite dirty thoughts from 'rowing his boats'... This further proves my teenager-ness. I apologize for such a large interlude right in the middle of a paragraph)

You get the idea. I'm a bit giddy right now, and slightly happy that rowing season has come around.


(The dog is Binx...Binx had a tumor on her face. Anyway, this was after an agonizing race in grade nine. I'm second from left.)

So now that you know what rowing looks like, go steal a boat and try it!! But not actually, walk to your local rowing club, get a piece of paper, sign your life away, and get in a boat. But then learn what to do from there. It'll be fun.



Saturday, 11 February 2012

I'm sad.

Want to know something really sad?

I'll start at the beginning.

It was last week, and I'd decided to get a fish. Not an expensive fish, like a 29cent orange goldfish. (I think you know how this will end)

I was the original fish buyer, but of course, Ambrose, my brother, had to have one as well.

I woke up this morning to see my poor fish shambling around the fish bowl. It was opening and closing its mouth really quickly.

Well. My fish died. And Ambrose's is fine -- better than ever.

It didn't even have a NAME!

My theory is that Ambrose's fish stole all the air in the bowl...and the food... and the space...


I'm going to show you a morbid picture...
(Notice the dead orange one and the evil laughing other one)

(Sniff sniff)


P.S. Like my new blog design??!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Holy Slacker-Pants!

Hi, to the threeish people that read my blog occasionally (if there are more of you, speak out!)
 I decided to visit my neglected blog, and realized that I haven't posted since Christmas...

Well the reason I've been waaaay too busy to post is one word: Exams-- the joy of my life for all of January. Exams are over. YAY!

I decided to write something on this blog, but then promptly realized that my life isn't really that interesting, and that nothing huge has changed. (ie. I still have all my limbs.)
But I guess the biggest change in my life is my dive into 'theatre'. Specifically the musical kind.

 Let me explain: The end of exams brought the end to first semester. Which means the end of Chemistry, Physics, Biology and English (the subject, not the language...I haven't suddenly turned french or anything). Which also means the beginning of Math...and more importantly, my Musical Theatre course. Which takes up 75% of my school day!! HELL YEAH.

So no science till next year..... and time to write, and draw, and read, and rock climb, and watch movies, and play music to my heart's content!!

To conclude this thought with one statement, would be to say: My life has suddenly become interesting again.

So, I think as of now I will tell you about yesterday's adventure.

Yesterday, my musical theatre class took a last minute trip to Second City in Toronto. Now if you've never heard of Second City, I'd recommend that you get off your ass and run down to Toronto to see a show. The one my class saw was PHENOMENAL (teacher word right there). It was called "Dreams Really Do Come True (and other lies)".

Second City -- if I forgot to mention-- is a comedy club, where improv theatre is the beginning of all of the sketches. So basically the actors all improvise in front of an audience, and see their reactions. A director then puts all of the good chunks of comedy into a show and modifies the chunks to make them even funnier. It was pretty excellent. 

Now to leave with a song... I want to play the Kinks songs, 'Lola' and  'Sunny Afternoon'. 
I'm really into the Kinks right now, they're really good, and I love the lead singer's voice. 
