Friday, 28 October 2011


So, I mentioned in the afore post of my apple-splitting abilities, and not I will exhibit my superhumanness (which according to blogger is a word, because there is no little dotted red line underneath...)

Just so you know, this video took a few tries, as my mum invaded the one I made before; she tried to talk to me....grrr :P So now I have a nice pile of half-apples surrounding me. I'm gonna have to get eating.

I also look fairly exhausted in the film, as I was out in the woods today preforming Macbeth with my English class. And in case it's of any interest, (which it probably isn't) I'm about to soak my feet in the hottest bath known to man, and hope I don't get a heart attack. Plus eat my apples.

And now for a musical interlude.
Anwyn just recently showed it to me. I can't believe I didn't know it. AAHH SUCH A GOOD SONG.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY FREAKING GOD! That was HILARIOUS! I nearly peed myself!! :D {I'm sure you wanted to know that... ha ha!}
