Sunday, 18 September 2011

Okay, a lot of things.

Well, I've been neglecting this blog for a while. So, a few things to keep up with:
- it is no longer summer. (BLAH)
- I have a Chemistry lab that I should be doing.
- I changed the name, and address of my blog. (apparently 'Peaches en Regalia' means stripper in Zappa language, and I don't want a bad wrap. Aka, no creepos looking at my blog because they thought it was porno..etc.)
- the new name of my blog is an anagram of 'Augusta's Blog', also, salsa is delicious, I love bugs, and my father has gout. I thought the name was suitable.

What have I been doing for the last, what, 3 weeks? Nothing much. Although a recent addition to this list is procrastinating. I always find a way not to do homework. I really, really, really need to work on this... I know.

OH! OH! By the way, my beans grew into pods, and I harvested them. I now have a bowl of sick rainbow-coloured beans. I'll have to boil them or something.

 I went to my cousin Luke's wedding last weekend. It was apple-themed, and all the centrepieces were glass apples. They were FILLED WITH EPIC JELLY BALL THINGS. So, basically my extremely mature extended family and I had a small epic jelly ball fight. But, that's besides the point; I decided to bring the centrepiece home, becasue that's what you do right? So, guess what I used it for? A GREENHOUSE OF COURSE! Yep, I got me some sweet wildfleurs started from seeds growin' in my glass apple. Take a yourself a looksee!!

Can you believe how much they've grown in a week?? They must be doing some serious growing. I'm impressed.

And Finally: I thinks I'll leave you with this funky song. I've been listening to it lots lately.

- Augusta

1 comment:

  1. I love a blog with Kathie Winkle not only in the posts but in THE BANNER! Wow! (PS if you read your name fast it also looks like "Salsa BUGGOUT" which sounds like a crazy dance.) cd.
