Thursday 7 June 2012

The Promenade

Me being a stupidhead.


Last week my school held a formal, like they do every year, and this year(because I'm a senior) I was able to go. Now just to get this straight. I would never have gone to this prom except that it was *theoretically* the last prom ever to be held at my school. Also, I thought it was good to get the experience under my belt.

Piper was my date, he's pretty chill, except for the fact that he is the friggin' tallest person ever(note the absence of head in picture 3). He also dealt with my awkward pencil-pose for these pictures. It's frustrating actually, because I was being idiotic in pretty much all of these pictures(note awkward squinty-face), and Piper kept blinking(I think he was actually asleep... or pretending).. But in the one picture that I wasn't being an idiot, or Piper wasn't blinking, my mum cut off his head. Well, that's Murphy's law for ya. :)

Tara also came. She looked lovely in purple, and hung out with me beforehand. PLUS guess who did her hair? Augusta did.

You're probably wondering what Charlotte was doing at my prom.... Well she was being hip and taking pictures with her amazing camera, and her super cool mom (who is fixing Piper's bouttoniere) in picture 5.

My hipster parents played Tom Waits when I was little, and I recently re-discovered him (through Piper actually) and this song is good.


1 comment:

  1. Gah I look like such a stalker! It's not even funny, with all the pizza crumbs all over my shirt and the camera with the zoom lens... ;) You, on the other hand, looked absolutely fantastic, you and Piper... (awwwwww<3)
    -charlotte <3
